Tiyah Development Centre is a good-will
NGO (more specifically: A
civil society organisation) based in Ghana, West Africa. Tiyah consists of three seperate project sites, namely Yendi and Tatale, situated in the north of Ghana, and Kumasi in the Ashanti region.
Tiyah Development Centre was esablished in 2007 by a group of young men and women. Realising the development gap between the southern and northern part of Ghana and the drifting of school drop outs from the north to the south to do minor jobs, they decided to introduce Tiyah Development Centre as a source of relief to the teenage mother who drops out of school, the orphan, the widow and the needy.
Like other NGOs and CBOs, members of small communities is paramont in their decision making. Hence Yendi and Tatale has been selected to be the centre of operation. In Kumasi one of the deprived districts is Atwima Nwabiagya District and Tiyah is running an HIV / Aids program in seven communities.
Tiyah in most northern languages means OUR HOME. It is our responsibility to initiate development in our own home. In effect the program is geared towards the development of our home.
For further reading about each individual project, please refer to the links below:
- Yendi Project
- Tatale Project
- Kumasi Project
Tiyah's head office is situated in ... Kumasi.
AgendaWith different placements and seperate goals for each, Tiyah deals with a broad spectre of issues, covering one patch of land at a time. Still, Tiyah maintains some select few key goals that not subject to change drastically over time.
Tiyah Development Centre aims to:Educate the adult population on health issues
Empower and support mothers of young age or lack of priveleges
Develop positive attitudes through understanding community development including notions of interdependence, respect for differences, peaceful conflict resolution and sustaining the environment.