Wednesday, June 15, 2011



Wednesday, May 4, 2011


Three Tiyah volunteers based in Achiase recently visited the Daycare centre in Yendi (April 2011), where they were able to meet the children and teachers working there. The project does not currently have enough funding in order to be able build anywhere to house the children, but they hope to be able to expand in the future to accommodate those children in need of care, turning Yendi into an Orphanage. The children currently live with their families in the area and journey to the centre to start lessons early in the morning. They are currently learning to read and speak basic conversational English (“Hello, How are you? I am fine” as well as their name). They are also learning the Days of the week, months of the year and to count to 100, among other things. The children at the centre wear a lovely purple uniform, the girls dresses tied with a yellow ribbon. The centre also provides the children with two meals a day to ensure healthy growth. The compound in which the centre is situated has a large area for the children to play when they have their breaks.

Yendi is a 2.5hr journey from Tamale and any Volunteers who wish to visit the Yendi Centre are welcome to stay overnight; there is room set aside for this purpose at the centre. The facilities here are basic but the people are very kind.

Photos to follow!

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Some of the Tiyah Team went up to the Yendi Day care centre last week; this is the center in the North of Ghana. Yendi is a fairly small village and the center has two large classrooms and they teach English to local children. The hope for Tiyah Yendi in the future is to expand and turn it into an Orphanage. Currently all the children who attend live with their families and go to the center for the morning. They even wear lovely purple uniforms! It was a great experience heading up there to meet the children and the Ghanaians who are looking after them, all the teachers and Yuisf, the headmaster, were very welcoming and friendly.
